
2013 Week 2 Success with Paleo

Okay! So This week I did not lose any weight. I ate the paleo lifestyle and had a 2 cheat meals. I was very bummed about my Saturday weigh in and then I saw this on a fb post from one fit widow! And I then decided that I am not going to let the scale bog me down and eventually "somethings gotta give" I am only 2 weeks into a lifetime, thus I referred to this post as a success too!

The reality is this: It took me many heart breaks, depressions, mistakes, stressful days at work, stressful days at home, infertility treatments, and disappointments as well as many celebrations, weekends out, and date nights to gain 50 lbs from my wedding day. So after two weeks of 90% clean eating and boot camp, I might start feeling better, but I can't expect a major loss. What I did lose, was depression. It seems now, after eating better and exercising at boot camp, my cloud is dissipating. Another success this week that I celebrated was putting on a pair of pants I bought when I started working at OHS. I was 171 pounds the day I walked in. Tuesday morning I was freaking out! Nothing to wear and I put those pants on! I zipped them up and almost walked out of the door-- they were just a tad too snug to wear for dress pants at work-- but give me a few more pounds or a few more workouts, and I will be sporting them! It was a success that last year at this time I was 193 pounds, and could not fit into anything. Even though I only dropped about 10 lbs, my body is changing. NO, I didn't lose this week, but I must be losing inches and gaining muscle because the pants are getting looser (even the jean capri's I just purchased at Kohl's!

Some neat things I ate week 2:

Almond Flour coated back strap with almond flour "gravy": YUM when everyone else was eating the real deal!

Almond milk poured over coconut flavored coffee (frozen in ice cubes) heat the ice for about 10 seconds, and pour almond milk! DELISH!

Bison Chili topped with veggie shreds or avocado slices:

Since Saturday's weigh in, I did eat paleo style over the 3 day weekend but got off track yesterday and today (week 3 actually). Paleo is expensive and sometimes that means if I am not prepared, I can't eat the way I am supposed to, or I just cannot afford to until we get paid and I can go to the store. I will not let that get me down. I have chosen this as a lifestyle and that means some days are going to rock, and some days I will make mistakes. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to change me, so "cheers" to getting back on track so that I can finish week 3 STRONG: eating Paleo 100% Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday-- It's all about choices and I better start making cleaner ones!


2013 Week 1 Success with Paleo

So...Saturday was my weigh-in day. All week I had been doubting a weight loss after getting back on track from my little gain this holiday season. My stomach didn't know what to do when I started eating clean again! Then I stared a new exercise program (6 week fitness boot-camp) and the rain deterred my running. Needless to say, my tummy was confused all week, and I felt bloated and sore from working out! BUT I woke up on Saturday and weighed in..and I lost 3- or 4 pounds! The reason why I can't figure out if it is 3 or 4, is because I was fluctuating Sunday and Monday. Anyway, a loss is a loss! I will be able tell exactly where I stand this week!
Things I ate this week:
  • Breakfasts- Larabars and fruit OR Eggs and Bacon
  • Lunch- Salad with chicken OR grilled veggies and meat
  • Snacks- fruit, carrots and guacamole, paleo chocolate chip cookies, pistachios, peanuts, larabars, dairy free- coconut milk ice cream, plain, no sugar added applesauce.
  • Dinner- Grilled meat (chicken, steak, and fish) with grilled veggies, or chicken and salad with sweet potato (only after a workout on the sweet potato-- it is a root veggie and should not be eaten often on Paleo)

  • Date Night Cheat Meal: Mexican food, chips and salsa (I actually cheated twice with Mexican food), once with my hubby and once in Houston during a shopping trip, but as long as it is in moderation, and all other meals all week are Paleo, I think it is perfectly fine!

My first week back was not perfect, but it was a start! I think about the items I used to eat on Weight Watchers and My fitness pal-- "just because they are in calorie range or just because they are in my WW point range" and now I get why I didn't lose weight!! Just because I had Jr. burritos in calorie range, and whatburger Jr's, cookies, and fruit roll ups, 100 calorie snacks, and pizza, does not mean that I can lose weight eating all those bad carbs and sugars. I am not saying those programs are bad, what I am saying, is that for women with PCOS, any excuse to eat bad carbs, and JUSTIFY it, leads to weight gain/maintenance. That type of food feeds my PCOS and for me, low carb, or clean eating, such as the Paleo life-style allow my hormones to level, and that is why I lose 3-4 pounds a week, versus .2 or .8! It is hard, challenging, and no fun when everyone else can run through the drive thru when they are stressed at work, but Paleo is going to pay off!
Week two is looking good already! I am excited about boot camp, I have Paleo 911 chili to look forward to this week that hubster is making, and a date night cheat meal on Thursday! Are you ready to challenge yourself with Paleo? If you are still wondering what exactly Paleo is...just click here!


Paleo & Weight Update

The holiday season is over! I have to back-track a little on the original Paleo Week 1 post.  After that week 1 post, Cody and I continued the Paleo lifestyle for about another week and a half and ran during that time too. Then we got sick. With the turn of fall and the cooler weather, the holiday mindset, and my major sinus infection, I didn't feel much like eating anything but fast foods and quick service take out! Being sick, I didn't have the strength to really run; I took a two week break (of which our 6th anniversary and Thanksgiving occurred)! I got back on track the week I returned to school from the Thanksgiving break and ran once and only did Paleo breakfast, lunch, and snacks-- dinner was a free for all mess (because my hubby was not wanting to do it with me-- I love blaming him sometimes lol). Then it was just excuse after excuse. It was too cold to run, I didn't feel good, there were too many treats to look forward to during the holiday-- Like GiGi's Cupcakes okay!
I did weigh frequently through the holiday break and I only went up 2 lbs. HEY that's a win in my book! I wasn't back up to the highest weight, so I felt some motivation stirring around New Year's Day!

Anyway, I am back on the Paleo bandwagon. We set it up to where we are allowed 1-2 cheats a week, and I think that is a "S. M. A. R. T. Goal" for getting healthy and losing the weight. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Time bound).
As of right now, I am fluctuating in the mid to upper 180's--however last night at boot camp I weighed more, but I am telling myself that is after a full day of eating (that TOTALLY matters) first morning weight is what I go by!
I need to spend some time getting creative with my lunch plan, because I can see it getting old quick! But Here is what I did on Sunday: Meal Plan!

Mon-Wed Breakfast:
2 eggs, scrambled/2 pieces of bacon/ fruit

Mon-Wed Lunch:
2 cups of lettuce/Chicken Breast/Nuts/natural applesauce

Larabars, (fav this week is coconut cream pie), fruit, and sometimes I add a Naked (green machine) in the mix--        I am also known to emotionally eat pistachios!

Wednesday, I will cook for Thursday and Friday, bag food and bring to work!
The best part about Paleo...THERE IS NO COUNTING! I don't count calories, I don't count points, I don't count carbs, etc...and with running, the weight slips off. I can basically eat as much as I want (within reason) and still lose! It is a perfect eating plan in controlling my hormones with PCOS, because the foods are natural and don't cause blood sugar spikes! Paleo and running control my moods, ovulatory cycle, make me feel good, and help with my complexion because my hormones aren't off the the charts! In the few weeks that I committed to it the first time, I was pleased and I am looking forward to that "On Top of the World" feeling again! As of today, I'm needing a little motivation, and adjusting from the free for all diet. I am guessing my Saturday weigh in will give me that motivation!

The first run of the new year SUCKED! But I will be getting better soon! It has been a good 6 weeks since I had good run!
Weight Goals:
  • 6 week goal (February 16th)-- 15 lbs lost
  • 12 week goal (March 30th)--   30 lbs lost total.
  •  Vegas Vacation Goal: June 2013-- 40 lbs lost total.
Running Goals:
  • March 9th 2013 Gusher 5k 
  • Start training 5k to 10k
  • November 2013: 10k


The Color Run 5k: Houston 2012

Sorry my dearest followers! I have taken a blogging break due to the busy holiday season and a mild case of the "ehhhs" BUT I have once again returned and have much to catch you up on: my 5k, weight and paleo, Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2013 goals and dreams, and fertility (sounds like I will be writing multiple posts until I catch you up with me)!

Our very first race was Sunday, November 11th, 2012! Cody and I both ran our first 5k race! We opted for our first race to be a fun run, so we weren't chipped or timed, but I timed myself on my Nike App. Prior to our race, we trained every other day for about 6 weeks. Prior to that, we had to practice the art of actually running, so we started back in April with the C25k app. We started and stopped and started again. By fall, we were getting nervous so we started hardcore training after our BIG MOVE to BOREMONT (Beaumont, for all of you non-natives). We started noticing that our running wasn't getting any better, so we really focused on what we were putting into our bodies about 2 weeks (yep, only 2 weeks--- we are procrastinators) before the BIG RACE!  With only 2 weeks before the race, we focused on the Paleo diet (see previous blog post here) and we were feeling great!

Saturday: We got up, ran our errands around town, packed, ate lunch at home, paleo style of course, and hit the road! When we got to H town, we checked into the hotel and hit Starbucks for a coffee treat! We then went to Sports Authority to pick up our race packet!! (EXCITEMENT!) After drooling at all the awesome running and workout gear, we both bought a color run shirt and hit the road for DINNER!

We were cheating on Paleo that night, carb-ing up, so we decided to go somewhere new. We went to the Macaroni Grill and it was pretty yummo! After that, we headed back to our hotel to change for a fun night out! We went to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar (Highly recommend if in downtown Houston) and it was a blast!
That evening, we settled in, talked about our childhood, and got our race clothes out!
I was so so so nervous! My race gear laid out on the couch made everything so real:

My Color Run Shirt I bought at Sports Authority-- can't wait until spring so I can run in it:

As we were talking about our childhood, Cody remembers this Mickey Mouse Kitchen! He was describing it to me and I found this one on the internet! He was cracking up! Only boy to probably have a Mickey kitchen!

Sunday (RACE DAY) I woke up at 7:30 and pretty much felt sick at my stomach, and I knew it was the race and totally not the alcohol I had the night before! We had our Larabar and 1/2 of a banana for breakfast and headed out, but we met....RAIN :(

We walked in the rain 1.5 miles to the race at Minute Maid Park, I melted a little, but I survived. Once we got to the race location, there were so many people and I was worried! How would I run with all these people in the way, I thought! We went in waves every 10 minutes, I think Cody and I were in the 6th or 7th wave of people and I was excited to have my Nike App ready to start timing me! (The Friday before, I ran my 3.1 miles in 40:32, so my goal for the race day was anything under 40 minutes! I went through the first K and got shot with powdered color and was on my way to the second K...when I looked up and noticed I was going to have to cross an overpass! YIKES! I had been running on flat land all of these weeks and never anticipated a BRIDGE!! Needless to say the track was a loop, so I had to cross the overpass twice! IT really slowed my down but...I FINISHED. I didn't meet my goal of under 40 but I did accomplish something: I RAN a 5K! (42 min)

Cody and I don't run next to eachother but I knew he was waiting for me at the finish line! I actually lost him, but after about 20 minutes, I found him (we were both covered in color and it was hard to find people)! WE took pictures and threw our color in the air, and headed back to the hotel. Oh! And a high school friend was racing too! Miss Natalie :)

After spending a while getting that color off our bodies, we headed for Mexican food at Papasito's Cantina! Then picked up the doggies from the babysitter and snoozed away the rainy day ZZZzzZzzzZZzz.

-Annie B