
2013 Week 1 Success with Paleo

So...Saturday was my weigh-in day. All week I had been doubting a weight loss after getting back on track from my little gain this holiday season. My stomach didn't know what to do when I started eating clean again! Then I stared a new exercise program (6 week fitness boot-camp) and the rain deterred my running. Needless to say, my tummy was confused all week, and I felt bloated and sore from working out! BUT I woke up on Saturday and weighed in..and I lost 3- or 4 pounds! The reason why I can't figure out if it is 3 or 4, is because I was fluctuating Sunday and Monday. Anyway, a loss is a loss! I will be able tell exactly where I stand this week!
Things I ate this week:
  • Breakfasts- Larabars and fruit OR Eggs and Bacon
  • Lunch- Salad with chicken OR grilled veggies and meat
  • Snacks- fruit, carrots and guacamole, paleo chocolate chip cookies, pistachios, peanuts, larabars, dairy free- coconut milk ice cream, plain, no sugar added applesauce.
  • Dinner- Grilled meat (chicken, steak, and fish) with grilled veggies, or chicken and salad with sweet potato (only after a workout on the sweet potato-- it is a root veggie and should not be eaten often on Paleo)

  • Date Night Cheat Meal: Mexican food, chips and salsa (I actually cheated twice with Mexican food), once with my hubby and once in Houston during a shopping trip, but as long as it is in moderation, and all other meals all week are Paleo, I think it is perfectly fine!

My first week back was not perfect, but it was a start! I think about the items I used to eat on Weight Watchers and My fitness pal-- "just because they are in calorie range or just because they are in my WW point range" and now I get why I didn't lose weight!! Just because I had Jr. burritos in calorie range, and whatburger Jr's, cookies, and fruit roll ups, 100 calorie snacks, and pizza, does not mean that I can lose weight eating all those bad carbs and sugars. I am not saying those programs are bad, what I am saying, is that for women with PCOS, any excuse to eat bad carbs, and JUSTIFY it, leads to weight gain/maintenance. That type of food feeds my PCOS and for me, low carb, or clean eating, such as the Paleo life-style allow my hormones to level, and that is why I lose 3-4 pounds a week, versus .2 or .8! It is hard, challenging, and no fun when everyone else can run through the drive thru when they are stressed at work, but Paleo is going to pay off!
Week two is looking good already! I am excited about boot camp, I have Paleo 911 chili to look forward to this week that hubster is making, and a date night cheat meal on Thursday! Are you ready to challenge yourself with Paleo? If you are still wondering what exactly Paleo is...just click here!