
Diet Coke, I have taken you out of my living will...

Yes, that's right folks- reach for your tissues...Bon Voyage Diet Coke. Let us all pause for a moment of silence ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Why would anyone deliberately get rid of Diet Coke in their lives (other than my husband who swears that is just a form of poison)? Well, it was my sanity, however if you want to have a healthy baby, lose weight, get healthy, have more energy, or feel less bloated in your life...then get rid of that darn Diet Coke! I grew up on Diet Coke, so I have been drinking it for years! I still remember as if it were yesterday, my mother drinking a chilled can of Diet Coke for breakfast as she sat and read the paper. IT IS ALL HER FAULT! I picked up that bad habit when I was in high school- and it has been a HECK of habit to break! Let's just say for MANY years I have been trying off and on to break the Diet Coke habit. Finally, this week I have decided once and for all--I AM GOING TO STAND UP TO DIET COKE! He is NOT going to control my mornings, my lunch time, and my evening drinks with my other friend Malibu..... HE JUST ISN'T! I gave up Diet Cokes and have resorted to unsweetened teas and water. Shockingly, the THING that I thought was making my day better every morning, was actually making me feel worse...THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE-- I said it... I have cheated on my soul mate DIET COKE and left him for my lighter partner, unsweetened tea and you know what... I am happy about it (don't hurt me!!! lol) Anyways, just updating everyone on my life change and wanted you all to know that now, I will not need a Diet Coke IV in my last days; I am taking it out of my living will! SIANARA SACCHARIN.


  1. Thats my girl! YOU CAN DO IT...ALL NIGHT LONG LOL...your momma likes it when I bring her a diet coke lol.

  2. Thanks girl- PS- don't start that "your moma stuff" We dont need another dave and cody :) Have a nice weekend!!!

  3. Cute! LOL I NEVER drank DC and read the paper.....it was COFFEE dont b blamin me!!!! HA!!!
