
All Dogs go to Heaven...

Boston Terriers are crazy, wild, sensitive, funny-looking, nosy, snoring little dogs! Cody and I have had Duke for almost six years...but for some reason, he is still my baby. When he was three, we decided to get him a friend, at least we thought this would stop his breaking out of hard plastic kennels, chewing up couch cushions, and eating trash...(I guess he had separation anxiety)! So, after we got married, Cody decided it was time to get another...and that is what we did- we bought Katie girl...she was a princess (her name was princess when we bought her from this little podunk town a few miles away) she was merely eight weeks old, but still the tiniest Boston Terrier I had ever seen! She was the runt, kept inside (in a pack-n-play) and bottle fed. She was so darn cute...crooked teeth and all! She later became a mommy- by accident of course, and we loved those puppies. Two years later, at three years old, just a few months ago...she got sick. She passed away, and still to this day I miss those crooked teeth, that little tail, and her little jelly-bean shaped body curled up on the couch. She wasn't allowed on the couch, but I remember telling my husband, "But daddy...she is a baby...she can do that!" He always said- "You are going to let our kids get away with EVERYTHING!" It brings tears to my eyes when I think about how on Saturday mornings she would nest up in my hair at the top of the bed and lay on the same pillow as me- or how if I said, "Katie- attack your father...tell him who's boss, tell him you and mommy are in charge!" She would immediately bark and run him out of the room, EVERY TIME! Needless to say, it has only been a month, and we still miss her--Duke too. He has reverted to his old ways of nosy-ness, digging in the trash can, sleeping on the couch, eating through the baby gate in the laundry room...just to be free. When we had Katie, he would sleep back there all day with her- they wouldn't make any messes or break out...but now, since she is gone, he is only content laying on the couch watching the cars go by in the summer sun. I love my dogs- so does my friend's little boy- E... when he visits us, and Duke is bothering him, he always says, "No....DUTE!!!!!"--he cannot say Duke, then abruptly he says... "No Katie!" and asks, where Katie??? I tell him, she is in heaven with all the doggies.
Duke, playing with cody- his favorite color is purple
Duke, taking an afternoon nap...
Katie girl- just cozy... we miss you princess.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me cry. I love you! And we do miss Katie Girl.
