

***For the next two weeks, I will be steering my Lenten Blog Challenge into the direction of The Way of the Cross, also known as The Stations of the Cross, Via Crucis, and Via Dolorosa. These names are used to signify either a series of pictures or tableaux representing certain scenes in the Passion of Christ, each corresponding to a particular incident, or the special form of devotion connected with such representations. I will be posting a Station each day, then reflecting on that Station. To read more about the Way of the Cross, click HERE.


As Jesus grows increasingly tired, a man named Simon is pulled from the crowd and pressed into service. Does he understand that the cross he is now carrying plays a part in his own salvation? Could he begin to know the blessings that would flow from this act of service? Simon the Cyrenian looks into the eyes of Mercy, and shows compassion in return. The two continue down the road together. Simon's strength eases some of our Lord's burden but only to a degree. Only one man can carry the full weight, the full burden of sin and His name is Jesus Christ.


God wants us to be successful and hears us when we cry out in failure. Regardless of what WE want, HE tries and tries again to get US to choose him. Just as God sent His Son to do what we could not, God still sends people into your life - people you don't even know - to help you along your way. Sometimes we say, "You are in my life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME-- we don't know when our friends and family enter our lives what role God had them playing, so we should respect HIM if our "friends" are only with us for a REASON or a SEASON-- He took someone out of your life, so find joy in that hardship. Look around your life for those who God has sent to help you on your walk, so people help us to lighten our load and to offer strength to you when you need it most-like my friend Gina. She was a theatre teacher for many years, then took time off to homeschool her children. When returning to work, she starting subbing at my high school. At the end of that semester, she got the job and we taught next door to eachother for many years! Without her 10 year battle with infertility, and now a mom of 2 teenage boys, she wouldn't be able to help me in my hardship-- she wouldn't be able to help me bear the load. She is a special friend and I hope she is here for more than just a reason or season! Be sure to thank those souls and to thank God for them.

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