
One word. 365 days. 6 facets.

Happy 2015 to everyone. I'm grateful that this year has come. A few days ago I blogged about our family pyramid- if you did not get a moment to read that blog, click here.

Okay, now that you're caught up... We can move on to my new post: One word. 365 days. 6 facets. For the past few years I've chosen, not only resolutions, but a word to represent my year to come. Over the years my words have changed based on the status of my life and what I have going on at the moment. It's nice to reflect on New Years Day to see how much I've changed in my adulthood. One year my word was "still" one year it was "brave" one year it was "overcome." 

One thing I enjoy about the app "time hop" is that it takes you back to moments that you've posted on social media. It republishes Facebook statuses, photos taken, tweets, and pictures from Instagram. It updates daily and shows what you posted from years back! Wow how awesome it is to see how you've changed- through friendships, hardships, and overall as a person! If you don't have it- I highly suggest you download it! 

This year's resolution word is: BALANCE

2014 was a year of extremities for me in so many ways- and towards the end of the year I could feel my body craving more balance. I need to find small balances 365 days a year, to accumulate more overall balance in my life. 

In my last post I mentioned 6 facets that Cody and I meet to discuss each week; these facets make up our family pyramid. In order to create more overall balance- I'll need find balance in each part of my life: faith, finances, function, fitness, field, and fun. 

For example- in the health and fitness area of my life- I tend to workout 6 days a week or no days a week. My perfectionist mentality plays tricks on me and I get too wrapped up in one facet, leaving the others behind. 

Another example of finding balance is in our function. I'm either Mrs. OCD USA and everything is spotless, organized, organically created- or I'm driving through Taco Bell, on the phone with xyz company paying a bill, and coming home to a crazy mess of a house which drives me to planting on the couch for hours at home each evening. I need to accept that some times my home can be a little disorganized. Even though it's clean, it sometimes doesn't appear so and that is okay. I need to pencil in more cheat meals or dates instead of binging on drive-thru dinners days at a time when I am too busy to enjoy the cheat itself!


I would like to blog once a month about how I find balance in my focus areas. Just a small commitment to keep me on track. 

2015 is wide open. It's ready for my mark. In order to get to where I need to be in 2015 I must breathe. I must find balance. I must trust the process of balance- even when I do not want to. 

I need to balance "existing" with plain ole living.I need to balance work and exploration- sadness and joy- fun and focus. For in balance, lies the real treasure. 

Happy New Year Y'all!
Annie B