
The Toppling To Do List...

OH EM GEE! I cannot wait until this weekend! My official 2010 Spring Break starts! I have a major to-do list though...and I am pumped up about all my "shabby chic projects"! I love making lists (it's executing the list that's the problem!) OH-Key-Doo-Key here it is:
1. paint my porch floor (Whipped Apricot- which is a yellow-y cream) and door (it's called hanging vine- a deep teal) I cannot wait to make my grey cottage more cottage-y!
2. find a cute table for my porch and spray it white
3. paint my antique dresser - color, TBA?
4. paint my bedroom chocolate brown and accessorize with all things white
5. work in my flower beds Hopefully I can get these projects completed- with the help of a good sister (A Lang) elle-oh-elle!SPRING HAS SPRUNG IN GG's HOUSE!


Endless days of Exercising...

It's march...my theme this month was "MARCH into fitness" the problem is...well, that I am no more fit today than I was on March 1st!? My endless days of exercising consist of 5days of cardio and 3 days of 1 hour weight training...so why do I look the same? So many people can drop 15-20 pounds in one month...NOT ME! It doesnt matter what I eat it literally sticks to my body- I can weigh in the morning and after breakfast I'm two pounds more! It is frustrating to spend hundreds of dollars in training with out results. So my "March in to fitness" theme for the month has NOT been successful! It was more like "MARCH into frustration" for me!!! What was your theme this month? MARCH into _______________? Were you successful? Have a fab day!